Tests and Diagnostics

CT Scan

CT scanning of the heart has developed considerably in recent years and is now a very valuable investigation. It is important to understand the difference between Coronary CT Calcium Scoring (a screening test which can help establish the presence of coronary artery disease and help with cardiovascular risk assessment) and CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA -a high resolution scan establishing the presence or absence of coronary artery disease and evaluating the significance or severity of any coronary artery narrowing that might be present).

Calcium scoring uses a lower radiation dose and doesn’t require any needles or injections. CTCA does expose the patient to more radiation and requires an intravenous injection of an iodine containing contrast medium however it gives more information.

Both tests are of value and guidance will be given by Dr Dalby about whether a CT scan is needed and the relative merits of the two methods for you.

All test results should be treated with caution and interpreted in the context of a clinical assessment.